Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Okay, so I didn't sleep last night on account of this incredible new social media cleverly called Chatroullete. A website solely dedicated to connecting people all around the world using technology enabling users to utilize cameras/mikes on their computers to see and hear complete strangers. I really like this particular web er thing (?) because it's so interactive and you're speaking with real people in real time! Although, as you can probably gather, there are quite a few risks with exposing yourself to the unfiltered, uncensored computer screens of THE WORLD. There were a plethora of penises, indecent proposals, and creepy older gentlemen on the prowl. Luckily, the beauty of chatroulette is your ability to immediately disconnect and move on to someone/something else. However, amongst the nauseatingly bold sexual deviants are some really awesome people. My friend and I began tallying actually, pleasant conversations against crude, disgusting behavior and the pleasantries outweighed the eye-numbing crazies! By the end of out session we met 4 or 5 really cool people and had really great conversations with them about nothing at all really. One devastating thing did happen though! While speaking with two particularly funny guys from LA we got one of their fb links, but it was lost when we disconnected =( It was the saddest thing ever. It took me a few chatroulette sessions to get over the loss. I'm still not sure I'm over it. So, if you're out there chatroulette buddy- add me!! Crisis Scarlett on fb!! Oh and if anyone else feels inclined to add me either, go right ahead!
There were a few people who did some really cool computer tricks and that were just plain silly! We conversed with a guy from France who was THE NICEST guy ever. It really gives you hope that there are genuinely good people in this effed up world. It gives you hope. Sigh.

All in all chatroulette is yet another time-consuming activity to add to the list. Thanks a lot internet. Ho hum.

Oh and here's a link for some of the ridiculous screenshots captured during Chatroulette sessions from Some of this stuff is pretty HILARIOUS.

I'm out.

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