Thursday, September 3, 2009

All Things Considered

I'm not sure if it's because I'm hungover, or if it's a conversation I had today that is making it impossible for me to put anything into words without immediately deleting what I wrote because it seems trite or uninspired. It's most likely the latter, but a little of the former too i suppose. The conversation I had was about showing people I know how to write. I don't have a portfolio. I haven't written an article since freshman year of college. And most of my essays are too long to send as samples. My blog? Um, shit. No! Now I feel as though maybe I've lost "it." My ability. Maybe i can't write. AHHHHHHH!! ugh, i hope not. writing's my meal ticket! plus i've grown partial to it.
I had the wonderful opportunity to take a tour of NPR today and got to see Robert Siegel and Noah Adams do the show All Things Considered, and met numerous employees. I loved it. I think I could really see myself there. I'm hoping by some miracle I'll get hired. we'll see what happens.
I went to a party last night and drank way more than I should have and I'm STILL feeling the affects. My body hates me right now. Sorry, body.

I'm off. I have some more recovering to do.

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