As a black woman, I must say I was never consumed by the necessity to perm my hair. My mother encouraged my sister and I to keep our hair natural and not once had anything negative to say about our tight curls. I am incredibly grateful to my mother for instilling in me an "alternative" sense of beauty. Beauty that wasn't in all the magazines, I guess- it shouldn't be called alternative, but you get my point...
I love my hair. Now, there were instances in elementary school when I would dream of having long flowing hair, but quickly realized even with the best hot comb treatment my hair just would not do that haha. So, now I'm 22. I am natural and have been my entire life, and had no idea the amount of stress some black woman go through to uphold unfair societal standards. I was reading an article in the times a few weeks ago about some upheaval about the two first daughters not wearing their hair straight. I was ashamed and embarrassed that there was an article in the NEW YORK TIMES detailing the stress of women and their hair, a need to have "good hair." But it was real. Women are going through some shit to make themselves more appealing to society. It really isn't fair and stems back to the standard of beauty: white, blonde, thin women. Ugh, luckily that's changing, at least I think so. More black woman are feeling comfortable with their natural hair, and they should! It's beautiful, and so is straight hair. No one should feel ashamed about themselves. Ugh, beauty in America. That's a whole other can o' worms.
Anyway, this entry was really to share with you Chris Rock's new documentary that looks hilarious called "Good Hair."
Here's the trailer, enjoy!
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